Past Pilots

Prezi Augment Reality

Large stage technology to blend the speaker and the projected visuals. Beta program for Prezi A.R. is finished.

Speakes are A.W.E conference ( from Nvidia ) in Munich, Germany using Prezi A.R on stage in 2017

Prezi AR being used by Russell Anderson-Williams, official Prezi Expert and founder of


Nutshell was a mobile app (still available on the App Store) which stem from our lab where we wanted to blend storytelling, photography and video using Augmented Reality ideas. It was built before the ARKit platform became available, so all 3D tracking was written by us :)

Introducing Nutshell

Nutshell video examples

Live demo at the factory, Berlin

Story by Numbers

Very visual dataviz

App walkthrough


Prezi Lego

Beta app for instant creation of cinematic presentations on touch devices